Home>Support>[Solved] Vantage Premium Change Link Color in Header Widget

[Solved] Vantage Premium Change Link Color in Header Widget

I need to change link color and hover link color on links I inserted in the header widget with layout builder.
I have tried everything including what was suggested in the following link with no success:

Content Link Color and Link Hover Color in Header

To change link colors I tried adding the following to Custom CSS:

header#masthead hgroup #header-sidebar a { 
	color: #499e1c;

An then I tried this:

#masthead .hgroup a: {
color: #499e1c;

Neither seems to override the settings in >Customize>Theme Design>General>Content Link Color or COntent Link Hover Color



I used the !important rule to make it work. Now looks like this:

/*Add color & hover color on header links */
#masthead .hgroup a {
color: black !important;
#masthead .hgroup a:hover {
color: gray !important;

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