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SiteOrigin Page Builder causing 413 Request Too Large

Hi all,
I’m having a problem while saving posts on my site, which is using Page Builder.

When I save a post, WordPress blocks giving error 413 Request Too Large.
Searching on the internet, I’ve found some similar issues (not related to Page Builder) solved by increasing

file on Apache.

The strange thing is that on my dev site, I’ve got a

of 8MB, and that is not giving 413 Request Too Large error, but on the live site, the
is 64MB.

Using Chrome Dev Tools, inspecting DOM and removing

<input name="panels_data">
seems to solve this problem.
So, I don’t know if it could be a Page Builder bug, but here is what I did:

On the dev site, same WordPress settings, used Duplicator plugin to clone the site for going online;
On the live site,

settings are higher than dev ones

On Page Builder settings, under “Content” block, all 3 checkboxes are unchecked

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