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Sharing buttons are doubled

Hi ,

I really need your help:

The sharing buttons are double on my blog page and that looks not so good.
SITE: www.lindacarlen.com

There you will see an odd double row of sharingbuttons.

I have tried all options under “sharing” in the adminpanel but without result.
Also when I remove the sharing buttons from the blogposts there is a strange row with sharings on the postpage that does not dissappear.

2 The headline to my post is ” A Good Wine”
This looks Ok on the full post on the main blog page there is no headline because it is just turned into an ordinary text.
How do I get the headline visible? Is there anythinhg in the PostLoop widget?

3 Can I get a slider to the postpages and not just a “Featured Image”.

4 In the Customize area there is a “PAGE TEMPLATE SETTINGS “. The options are there for only a few seconds.How come ?

Looking forward to your answers.
Kindest regards,

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