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Responsive settings website


I have created the WordPress website www.tales-of-travel.com. It looks ok in the desktop version and on mobile devices. Just not on the Ipad, where it creates the same layout as on a phone (columns shifting above each other instead of next to each other). I would like to keep the three columns with images and text to stay next to each other, instead of above each other when checking the website on the Ipad as well (or at least two of the images and texts to stay next to each other on the Ipad version. Is it possible to change the standard responsive settings of the template so that:
– The desktop and mobile version (the one you see when checking the website on the phone)remain the same ;
– But the version that is displayed on the Ipad shows at least two of the three images next to each other? So that would mean columns of two instead of columns of 1 shown above each other?

Is it possible to adjust this with custom CSS or do I need to make any additional changes? Thank you very much for your help!

Kind regards, Tanja

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