Home>Support>Problem with PageBuilder for Azura theme after 4.6.1 WordPress Update

Problem with PageBuilder for Azura theme after 4.6.1 WordPress Update

after having updated Word Press in 4.6.1 (we have implemented with Azura Theme), we have an issue on Page Builder (2.4.15).

Before this update, we accessed Page Builder thanks a tab on the top right hand corner of the content management page section (same tab type as ‘Visual’ or ‘Texte’ can be).

After the update, there is not ‘Page Builder’ tab any more. ‘Page Builder’ is now an independant widget/section (like ‘Page Title bar Settings’ or ‘Full Screen Background Settings’), but there is nothing inside, neiher content nor proposed function or action.

Could you please tell us what we can do to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance for your help and answer !

Best Regards
WT Lttd

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