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Problem with Page Builder and Widgets.

I’ve been using page builder for 1 and a half years. It’s not a simple problem. Then again, I am not an expert with SiteOrigin. I am merely a user.

I too am having a similar issue with SiteOragins Rich Texted Editor Widget and how it communicates with SiteOragins Page Builder. My Problem is defined below:

When in page builder mode, I created a row and added a widget. In this case, it was a Rich Text Editor’s widget which was created by SiteOrgins’. I then opened the widget. I typed in a title and added sample text in the body and then I clicked done to properly close the widget. Normally, the widget refreshes. As a result, the title normally appears below the type of widget in the designated row or column. It did not. This remains generic with sample font. I then published and previewed the website. The widget and information did not publish. I also went back to other pages that were already created and made a change within a widget and then republished it. The change did not take. Like you, when I re-access the row or widget content, the data is missing. What is odd is a little blue box appears with the wording which reads, “There is a newer version of this widget’s content available. Click Refresh or Cancel.” I click refresh and the information previously added appears. When I click done, the information does not transfer and when published the content does not appear. It a never-ending vicious cycle.

A little background on when it started. I was working with page builder and adding pages and changing content. The issue started around 4:00 PM after I clicked the UPDATE ALL button on the dashboard. It updated both themes and plugins. Here are the problem-solving steps I performed while trying to figure this out:

1. I Thought that it might be a theme update issue with (SQUARE), so I deleted and re-added the theme. The problem remains. I went to SiteOrgins website and download the Polstar theme. The same Problem remains.
2. I thought that it might be a plug-in update issue. I deactivated, deleted, and reinstalled every plug-in. The problem remains.
3. I thought maybe there was an issue with the dashboard communicating with Godaddy’s manage word press website. That was not the case. All is working on their website and the dashboard was functioning and responding correctly. They suggested it might be a timeout issue or configuration issue. There are limited configuration option for SiteOrgin on my dashboard. So for good measure, I had GoDaddy placed a technical ticket, at my expense, to see if they can find an issue.
4. I logged into a completely different website where I use page builder. The same updates are pending. I did not update, but I have the same issue.
5. I switched back to the standard editor in WordPress and made changes. The content appeared when published.
6. I created a new page on both sites and applied page builder and widgets. Same issue.
7. I created a new page without page builder an added content and then converted them to page builder. The information transfer appears in the title box of the widget and the content is present in the widget. When published, it publishes the content correctly; However, when I go to make changes and republish the same issue occurs. Should I create another page, convert in the same manner, but start adding columns and rows and widget, page builder remembers the rows columns format. It just does not remember the content of the widget that were not part of the transfer. New items after the transfer do not publish.

So I don’t know the exact issue. I do know it beyond you or me. My best guess is Page Builder itself is not the issue. I can create a row and divide columns and add widgets. When publish the format and layout and type of widget is saved. The function to add widgets works. The issue seems to be between the individual widget and Page builder once information is added. The date is just not transferring.

Let me know if this is your exact problem as well. Going report to SiteOrigin.

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