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Transferring Page Builder Data

We are trying to transfer our site to a new host, and just like everybody else, pagebuilder is not transfering the content. If we try to edit any existing pages, the page will be reverted to a blank page.

What I don’t understand is, if we transferred the entire site root contents, as well as all databases, to a new server with the same domain. Where is this pagebuilder data getting lost? Where is this data stored to begin with?

I just got done working on a website for my company for the last 4 months, and if I do not fix this issue in the next few days, I will lose my job. Please help!

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  1. 10 years, 17 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Wade

    The easiest method is to use a plugin called Duplicator. I write about this and the alternative, more labour intensive method here:


  2. 10 years, 17 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Let’s start with what we’d consider our primary method of moving PB data, WordPress Import/Export. Are you certain that the environment is the same on the destination server? All plugins, including Page Builder need to be installed and activated before the import is carried out.

    With regards to Duplicator not working. What happened when you run the move with Duplicator? Is there a chance that a plugin is causing a conflict?

  3. 10 years, 17 days ago Wade Cordts

    I copied the site over using duplicator but that did not work. The page builder data did not show up. I then tried the wordpress export/import and the data still didn’t show up.

    Where is the data for page builder stored?

  4. 10 years, 17 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    I can appreciate you’re in a tough position; we’ll do whatever we can to help. Please do what you can from your side to assist us though; the information you’ve sent over in this last reply doesn’t have any expansion on your initial posts so it’s pretty challenging for us to diagnose moving forward. In these kind of troubleshooting edge cases, the more information the better.

    * Are you certain that the environment is the same on the destination server? All plugins, including Page Builder need to be installed and activated before the import is carried out.

    * Have you perhaps tried the move with all plugins de-activated except for Page Builder?

    * Is there any change in behaviour if you run Import/Export with another theme activated, ideally Twenty Fourteen.

    Failing any progress with the above please send a set of temporary login details through to [email protected] and I’ll take a look as soon as possible.

    (Please keep in mind that we operate from timezone GMT+2 and that Page Builder is a completely free plugin – we’re super keen to help you get this resolved, I just mention the previous points to help explain our setup and position).

  5. 10 years, 17 days ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Wade

    I’m also here to help out. To answer your one question; the Page Builder data is all stored using post meta fields. Meta fields is the standard way for plugins to store post data. WordPress stores these fields in the wp_postmeta field of your database. The meta_key field is panels_data.

    Everything is there, and we’ve tested that both Duplicator and WordPress import/export do handle these fields. There’s another reason that your data isn’t showing up. Hopefully, Andrew and I will be able to diagnose what.

  6. 10 years, 16 days ago Wade Cordts

    I am certain that the development environment is identical. I used duplicator to copy over the wordpress install.

    We cannot deactivate all plugins, as they are needed for the site to operate properly.

    I’ve even tried manually copying over all the files using cpanel backup and that didn’t work.

  7. 10 years, 16 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Please can you mail over a copy of WordPress > Tools > Export to [email protected], just so we can take a look at that route and why that file might not be working correctly.

  8. 10 years, 15 days ago Wade Cordts


    Thank you! :)

  9. 8 years, 5 months ago mlc

    Ok. That’s the last reaction in 1 year and 6 month. And still there is no solution ore answer. Would it be an idea just to tell honestly that it is not possible to move content made by SO? And tell this before one fills up his whole testsite? If you do, you will lose all of your content. All the pages exists but you can’t enter or see the data. I have to rebuild a whole website with dozens of pages. So my solution to this item is that you don’t use this software if you ever want to move your website.

    • 8 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi mlc

      Sorry to hear about the hassle.

      Page Builder should migrate via regular DB export/import, alternatively Duplicator plugin or XML export and methods that can be used. Duplicator is of course the quickest. I’ve tested regular SQL export/import this morning and all seems to be working normally on our side.

      I’d be more than happy to jump in and help get to the bottom of this problem. If you’d like me to assist, please, send an email to [email protected]. In that email, please, include a temporary set of WordPress login details so we can login to your test/development site and create a Duplicator image for testing purposes. If your testing/development site is hosted on your local computer, please, let me know and I’ll reply with further instructions.

      I’m sure we can assist in resolving this problem.

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