Home>Support>PageBuilder Row Style not working in Vantage Theme

PageBuilder Row Style not working in Vantage Theme

By Brian B, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago.

I have Vantage free installed along with page builder. I add my own row class under Row Styles -> Attributes and the style I want. In this case the class is “bb-grey” and the style is “background-color:#333.” That should be a background color to the row containing the headline widget, however the background color does not change. I have tried the same using the Influence theme and it works as it should. The only way this worked was if I modified the style.css file itself of the Vantage theme.

Also the background image property under Row Styles -> Design does not work on the Vantage theme. It does work on the Influence theme.

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  1. 9 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Brian

    The class field will add a class to the div and the styles field will add inline styles. If you add a class, that class should be targeted with Custom CSS. Inspecting the source code will hopefully clear up how this is all working.

    In Vantage there is a clash between the old legacy row styles and then global Page Builder design tab. So in Vantage you’ll need to use the Theme tab. If you add a background color there it’ll work. We’ll have this conflict resolved in 1.0.4.

  2. 9 years, 7 months ago Brian B

    Thank you!

  3. 9 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    For sure!

  4. 9 years, 7 months ago sKozakish

    I’m using Page Builder version 2.0.5.
    I have the same problem with the Vantage theme. In my case I would like to use a background image. I’ve been able to upload am image using the theme tab, as you told Brian B, but the image appears tiled. I tried to make it appear stretched using the CSS option. The row class is “wide-grey”, so I figured I should use this:

    .wide-grey  {
         background-size: 100%;

    It didn’t work :-(

    Then I read your post here:
    Thread: How do Page Builder row attributes work – row class, cell class and CSS styles

    Changed the CSS to:

     background-size: 100%; 

    It didn’t work either.
    Now when I come to think about I can’t see any changes in the source code of the page that are caused by these CSS change.

    Please help!

  5. 9 years, 7 months ago sKozakish

    Another piece of info –
    I played with the row class. Changed it to bunch of other names, like “jumbotron”, “top-row” … and with these class names the image is not tiled automatically, but it responds to the “Repeat Background Image” checkbox, under the theme tab. CSS still doesn’t work though…

  6. 9 years, 7 months ago sKozakish

    I solved it by changing style.css

    • 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi sKozakish

      Glad to hear you’ve made progress. Please remember that editing style.css directly is not upgrade safe.

      If you open a new thread: https://siteorigin.com/new-thread/, we’ll do our best to help out ASAP.

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