Home>Support>PageBuilder pages – no content on backend

PageBuilder pages – no content on backend

I have one site that I had not converted to blocks but am attempting to do this process today. I intend to maintain the layout in order to use PageBuilder using the layout option and json method I used for all the others.

However. There is a general bug with PageBuilder. When I go to see a page that is built in PageBuilder it is not editable because all the PageBuilder rows and column are hidden. The content view does flash briefly, but then it disappears to display this:


When I go to a page that is not yet using PageBuilder (it displays fine) but if I click the PageBuilder tab, I get the normal dialogue box that ask: Would you like to copy this editor’s existing content to Page Builder?

Clicking yes takes the page from this

to this

Can anyone help me correct this? WordPress is the last version and I am using the latest update of SiteOrigin and Bundles

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  1. 11 months, 27 days ago Glen

    Update. It was a conflict with BackWPup.

  2. 11 months, 27 days ago Glen

    However. There still seems to be an issue when converting and using the json method for maintaining layout.
    Has this process changed?
    My initial post when I was doing this process before a few months ago….

    The process I am using

    I save the json layout with Classic editor on.

    With Classic Editor Off
    I go to the page
    Revert to editor
    Clear the page
    And the ‘Add SiteOrigin layout Block’ happily appears.
    I import and insert, then update
    View the page
    Then go back to edit

    ******BUT ITS converting to blocks with no PageBuilder at all.

    There is no Page Builder on the page lists under pages either.

    If I turn classic editor back on the page list shows the option for only classic for this trial page, and no PageBuilder is shown.

    Under settings, pagebuilder I have
    Default to Page Builder Interface enabled
    Under settings – writing I have all the option to allow for both.

    I have default editor for all users – classic editor
    BUT. For all my other sites previously converted, I have classic editor off since it is no longer supported, and have been nicely using classic editor via Page Builder.

    I cannot continue to convert this site until I get this figured.

  3. 11 months, 25 days ago SiteOrigin
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Glen

    Thanks for the updates.

    The Classic Editor doesn’t have a definite end support date at the moment:
    Classic Editor is an official WordPress plugin, and will be fully supported and maintained until 2024, or as long as is necessary.

    Classic Page Builder pages shouldn’t be defaulting to the Block Editor. Do classic Page Builder pages default to a Classic Block in the Block Editor with all plugins deactivated except for Page Builder?

  4. 11 months, 25 days ago Glen

    I am choosing to convert to blocks but the process I do is to then use PageBuilder which uses classic editor. The save layout and then reapply it into blocks by saving the jon file however is not working as it did. See that previous post I mentioned. Start about half way down in the discussion.

  5. 11 months, 25 days ago Glen

    PS The problem is once I do this add the layout to the page by uploading the json file, everything is fine on the back end and displaying as pagebuilder should, but the page gets stripped of pagebuilder once I go out and come back in. The page is then blocks, BUT without the pagebuilder added. Why is this process not working as it did?

  6. 11 months, 25 days ago Glen

    Also, further to this another question separate from the above is how does one get a blocks page to use pagebuilder. I have it installed but I don’t see how to activated it per page.


  7. 11 months, 25 days ago Glen

    Further to the last comment I made. I did figure that out, so now just the main question remains.
    It seems this all changed since one of the recent WP version updates.


  8. 11 months, 25 days ago SiteOrigin
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Glen

    Thanks for the updates.

    Once you’ve switched to the Block Editor, you can insert a SiteOrigin Layout Block, edit the block, and then click LayoutsImport/ExportImport Layout to import your JSON file.

    Previously, you touched on this part of the process:

    – And the ‘Add SiteOrigin layout Block’ happily appears.
    – I import and insert, then update
    – View the page
    – Then go back to edit

    You can click the Add SiteOrigin Layout Block button or the + button in the Block Editor to search for the SiteOrigin Layout Block.

    When switching to the Block Editor are you running into an issue when inserting the SiteOrigin Layout Block?

  9. 11 months, 23 days ago Glen

    It’s all now working as expected using the same method I am used to using. I do not know what was up with that test page, but every other page is responding appropriately using
    convert to editor
    delete content
    At SiteOrigin page builder
    import the jason file

    Thank you

  10. 11 months, 23 days ago SiteOrigin
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Glen. Thanks for posting an update. I’m glad to hear the issue only impacts your test page—sorry for the hassle. Unfortunately, I’m unsure what the issue is on the test page.

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