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Page Builder requires browser refresh to see layout

I’m having an issue on one of the sites I’m building, something that I have seen before on other sites but never this bad.

When I save a page where the layout has been done in Page Builder, it refreshes and then I just see the text view rather than the Page Builder view. It has inserted all the code into this but when I click on the Page Builder view it warns me then shows me a blank layout.

This happens every time I make a change to the page and the only way I can get around it is to manually refreshing the browser after it’s saved the page to reload the Page Builder editor.

I’ve noticed this is usually fine whenever I’m just using simple text and images but as soon as I use shortcode or a non-SiteOrigin widget, it causes this issue.

It’s a pain but I can live with it whilst developing but I’d rather my clients not use it like this as they’ll no doubt panic that their page contents has been lost. Incidentally if the click update after the error happens it will wipe the layout :(

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