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Page Builder problem (not displayed where intended)

Hello !

I post here because I installed your Page Builder and your Widgets Bundle plugins, which are great. But here’s the problem : I wanted to use them on my home page to add a “features” row above my main page content, and I noticed this is not possible.
Here is a screen of what I’m talking of : http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2014/08/15/140815032805736228.jpg

At the moment, when I add a row and its content, they are displayed in the main page content, under the title of the page (“Now” arrow on the image). But I would like to be able to add a row above the main page content (above the title of the page) and under that main page content (“what i would like” arrows on the image). And let the main page content (= the post and it’s title) exactly the same, not changing its appearance…

Is that possible ? How to make it possible ?
Many thanks for answering and, if possible, helping ! :D
Maël Shanti.

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  1. 10 years, 1 month ago Maël Shanti

    Here’s another screen, of what I would like. I feel it’s much more easy to understand like that :)


  2. 10 years, 1 month ago Maël Shanti

    Bump !

    If that’s clearly not possible, may I at least request an answer ? :)

  3. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Maël

    Thanks for running Page Builder.

    Page Builder is only able to insert widgets where normal content would appear on a given page or post – below the page/post title. Those are the limitations of the plugin. The widgets can be inserted anywhere there is an active widget area. So unfortunately what you’re requesting would take custom development of the theme you’re running to allow for widgets where you’d like them.

    Hope that makes sense.

  4. 10 years, 1 month ago Maël Shanti

    Hi !
    Thank you for answering, that’s nice ! :)

    I see… And is that difficult to do ? Maybe would you have any indications on the way to do that easily ? Because I’m really stuck without the possibility to make a nice homepage…

    Many thanks anyway and have a good week-end !

  5. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    For sure.

    It’s unfortunately a little beyond our scope. If you’d rather not develop the theme with custom code I’d suggest looking around for a theme that suits your needs right away. Ideally when choosing a theme it should work for you without much work.

    Good luck.

  6. 10 years, 1 month ago Maël Shanti

    Thank you for answering once again, that’s really nice :)
    I’ll try to find someone to do this change then, because I really love everything on the theme I installed :)
    (Visual theme… Here’s the link to my blog if wanted : http://www.maelshanti.com)

    Once again, thanks for helping and good continuation !

    PS / Don’t hesitate to mark this topic as “resolved” as I don’t know how to :)

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