Home>Support>Page Builder plugin just stopped allowing me to edit existing pages

Page Builder plugin just stopped allowing me to edit existing pages

I have been using Page Builder to make a site and everything was working great but I just tried to edit a few existing pages and not I do not have access to any of the Page Builder functionality. I am running WP ver 4.7.2 and Page Builder ver 2.4.24 with the SIteOrigin Widgets Bundle ver 1.8.1.

I have tried disabling all other plugins but the problem does not change. If I try to edit the existing page all I see is a bunch of HTML code displaying in the text view tab of the page editor and the visual tab which shows as being completely blank (the page builder tab is no longer displaying with these two tabs as it original did). Below these two tabs, there is a free floating pane for Page builder and I can see very small little boxes where my content used to exist. But I am unable to click on these and edit the existing content at all. (See image):

If I create a new page from scratch it does display the tabs as they should be (all three, visual, text, page builder) but if I try to use the Page Builder and add a widget it will not allow me to create any content (the window simply refuses to let me make a selection).

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