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Page Builder Not Loading – WP ver. 4.4.2

I am attempting to migrate a wordpress website to a new host and it is a consistent battle.

First issue was creating a PHP database. Days later without any intervention on my part the database was up and accessible.

Second issue was uploading the website/wordpress via FTP. Consistent disconnects, file corruption issues, etc. Finally after manually deleting and updating over 250 suspected corrupted files I was able to access and login to the WP dashboard.

Third issue was the WP dashboard navigation bar would not function (collapse/expand) and tabbing through was a nightmare to say the least. I’ve updated the WP core and it sill is hit or miss if the navigation bar decides to function.

Fourth issue was updating/uploading/installing the plugins. I again, attempted to do this through the FTP client with and without success. Numerous file corruption issues. I’ve deleted/re-uploaded numerous times with and without success. At this point I can see the plugins from the WP dashboard.

Fifth issue but related to the fourth issue aforementioned, at times I can activate/deactivate plugins, but at other times, simply clicking on the activate/deactivate link redirects me to a host error page. I’ve contacted the host support team but their response is as follows;


Please try a few basic troubleshooting steps:
– Flushing any caching plugins you might be running, as well as browser caches.
– Deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to see if this resolves the problem (plugin functions can interfere). If this works, re-activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the problematic plugin(s).
– If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the unedited default Twenty Fifteen Theme for a moment using the WP dashboard to rule out any theme-specific issue (theme functions can interfere like plugins).
– If that does not resolve the issue, try resetting the plugins folder via FTP or file manager application from your cPanel. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems

Helpdesk Staff

So I have executed the host support suggestions (multiple times) without success. I’ve deleted all plugins. I’ve tried only uploading one plugin at a time via FTP. Still this leaves me with the problem aforementioned in the fourth issue. (Can not activate/deactivate plugins). I’ve gone as far as completely deleting all files on the host, and reinstalled WP (a new download ver. 4.4.2) and PHP tables.

What I do not understand, is I have a fully functioning WP website on my localhost. Why would plugins not activate/deactivate on a public host?

I have also attempted to rule out any theme issues/conflicts by trying different themes such as by using the default twenty series themes included with WP ver. 4.4.2. No luck, in fact, changing between themes (activating) also at times, would redirect me to a host error page.

At this point I have a WP dashboard which I can log into, and I can use the WP navigation bar. I can view the plugins/themes. I can activate/deactivate the plugins and themes. I have my pages imported/loaded, however I can not use/edit or update the webpage content and my published pages display as blank white pages. I can not change to the page builder editor. The tab appears, just nothing appears to happen when it is selected. Also nothing appears to happen when I select between the visual/text tabs. The HTML code is displayed in the Text Editor, however it is white text on a white default background. I have attempted changing the code to something real simple for example;


and then updating the page. No change.

I have viewed the source code from the allegedly published page and it is as follows;

Nothing more/less.

I have contacted the host, and so far no response.
I have cleared the browser history/cache – no change.
I have tried 3 different browsers – no change.

I am at a complete loss as to what I can try next. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Submitted 3-15-16 5:17PM CST.

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