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Padding Hero Image and Slider

Hey there,

I’ve read through a few threads on this and can’t seem to find the right combination that works for my case.

The SiteOrigin Hero has 40px of padding above and below. I can see where to change it, adjust it in inspector, but can’t seem to write the correct CSS to remove it.

The site is http://suncountrytraining.com (It’s currently in maintenance mode but I can give you a temp login to view)

I’ve tried these for specific panels (Homepage slider):

#pg-20-3 .panel-row-style {
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;

#pg-20-3 .siteorigin-panels-stretch .intro-stretch .panel-row-style {
padding: 0px !important;

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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