Home>Support>North Theme – make part of the menu appear over logo

North Theme – make part of the menu appear over logo

Theres not enough room between logo and menu. It’s too tight so the menu ends up as a vertical stack:

Link1 Link2 Link3
Link4 Link5 Link6
Link7 Link8

So I want the menu to be displayed in one line, as it was before adding the links.

Is there a way I could have part of the menu going over the logo?
So maybe I need to do something with z-index and float?

The top of the logo is wider, and there’s much white space at the bottom of the logo, where it’s suitable for part of the menu to cross over.

The logo format is basically like this:
First line of logo text goes here
Second line here
Third line

So I want it to appear on the same line as third line like this:
First line of logo text goes here
Second line here
Third line [Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5 Link6 Link7 Link8]

1) For this it’s necessary to have some part of the menu go over the logo img.
2) Also, it needs to be moved down about 80px to be on the same level as the third line (in logo).
3) Also the menu perhaps needs to have a larger with, but maybe that will happen automatically as long as 1 and 2 are fullfilled?

What would the CSS look like to make this happen?

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