Home>Support>Make Woocommerce single product page Full width

Make Woocommerce single product page Full width

Hello Everyone,

I am using Vantage theme for my first wordpress site – https://www.surgimedex.in

I want to make the woocommerce single product pages have a full width and not show any sidebar or sidebar space. I have removed the sidebar by adding following php snippet but i am unable to get to the proper css for making the rest of the content full width. I’ve tried so many things but i am unable to make it work. Could you guys please be kind enough to help me out?

// Remove Sidebar on all the Single Product Pages

add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bbloomer_remove_sidebar_product_pages’ );

function bbloomer_remove_sidebar_product_pages() {
if (is_product()) {

URL:product page

I will be looking forward to hearing from you guys soon.


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