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Insert Page Content Collapsed After Update

Dear SiteOrigin,

Thanks for your great plugin which is excellent for dummies like me. Unfortunately, after the recent update my 3-colummn page has collapsed to a page of 3 rows ruining the lay-out of my website’s main page. I’ve read through the other posts with a similar problem, but my problem slightly differs.

I’m using Onepress Plus theme. My homepage starts with a Gravity Forms form as you can see: www.visumvoorvietnam.nl. As I wanted large margins on the sides, I made a ‘dummy’ page using PageBuilder containing one row of 3 colums. The left and right column are blank and the middle colum is the Gravity Forms widget containing the form, you can find this dummy page here: www.visumvoorvietnam.nl/aanvraagformulierfrontpage. This dummy page still looks like what it is supposed to look like so no problem there. However, when using a shortcode (using Insert Pages-plugin) to insert the content of this page in my frontpage the ‘collapse problem’ appears: the 3 columns become 3 rows, meaning the Gravity Forms form takes the whole width of the screen thereby messing up my lay-out. Before it worked well, after the update not anymore.

So my questions is, what can I do to insert the content of www.visumvoorvietnam.nl/aanvraagformulierfrontpage in my frontpage of the website without the lay-out being changed (so maintaining the margins on the side)? Thank you very much in advance for your help!


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