Home>Support>Hero heading + video not responsive

Hero heading + video not responsive

Hi SiteOrigin,

I’ve been looking around your support site for answers to this issue:
As you can see in screenshot 1, the heading is not responsive, meaning that the lines are just bulked over each other. Do I have to fix this with some kind of CSS?
Screenshot 2 shows my editor. I made the ‘line down’s to be able to show more of my image in full PC screen mode. (I’ve also tried to remove these extra lines, but it doesn’t change the error that my lines are bulked over each other)
For the wordpress website, we use the Livemesh Fusion Child theme.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

And regarding the video not being responsive, you can see the screnshot here
I’m using the editor and the youtube plugin.
What should I do?


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