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help with custom search box

Not sure if you can help with this or not, but I’m building a public library website, so I needed a search that would search both our catalog and the website. Our IT guy gave me this code based on what we have on our current website (mesacountylibraries.org) and I just don’t know where to put it exactly…I’d like the search box to be here somewhere:

Should I use a text header widget? Put it in the header file (masthead.php)? If the theme updates, will I lose the code if I put it there? Also, I’m assuming any styles I apply need to be put in the custom CSS section?
code he gave me:

<form id="searchform" onsubmit="return false;" name="searchform">

    <input placeholder="Keywords" id="lookfor" name="searchterms" size="25" type="text">

    <input id="searchbutton" name="submit" value="Search" type="button"

    onclick="var sf=document.searchform,l=sf.sengines.length-1;for (i=l;i>-1;i--){if(sf.sengines[i].checked){var submitTo=sf.sengines[i].value+escape(sf.searchterms.value)}}window.open(submitTo);return false;">

    <div class="search-options-header">

    <label><input name="sengines" value="http://mesa.marmot.org/Union/Search?searchSource=local&basicType=Keyword&genealogyType=GenealogyKeyword&lookfor=" class="input-header" checked="checked" type="radio">Catalog</label>

    <label><input name="sengines" value="http://mesacountylibraries.org/?s=" class="input-header" type="radio">Site</label>



URL: http://caritaylor.com

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  1. 9 years, 7 months ago wiredpoet

    nevermind–got it :)

  2. 9 years, 6 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Glad to hear you sorted it out! My suggestion would have been to add a text widget to the header widget area with the code your IT guys gave you :)

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