Home>Support>Feature request: Multiple Responsive Breakpoints

Feature request: Multiple Responsive Breakpoints

Hello, everybody,

we have been using your PageBuilder for over 2 years now in numerous customer projects and are very satisfied. There are very few problems – and if there are any, your support is fast, competent and courteous.

Over time, however, we have noticed one feature that we really miss and that for our understanding would not take so much effort to add: We are talking about the free definition of responsive breaking points. While it has been possible to define Tablet and Mobile in the past – although Tablet does not have an effect at all points – the definition of one’s own predetermined breaking points would be a huge help in the future.

We are also interested in the effect of the column representation (there are already good ideas here https://github.com/siteorigin/siteorigin-panels/issues/422), but especially in the following 3 fields:

– CSS properties (free text)
– margin
– padding

If we could adapt these 3 fields not only for desktop and mobile, but also for other responsive areas, our layouts would become much better and more flexible. Until now, we have always had to switch to classes and CSS for such adaptations, which unnecessarily slows down the work and, above all, is no longer comprehensible for the end customer.

We would be pleased if you would consider such a feature and would be happy to answer your questions.

Many greetings from Siegen, Germany,
Christian Jung

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  1. 5 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Christian

    Thanks for sending your request and feedback. We’d like to see this implemented, hopefully soon. I’ve passed your feedback onto Greg and Braam. If any questions arise during implementation, we’ll reach out. Appreciate the help :)

  2. 5 years, 6 months ago antwortzeit

    @Andrew: Awesome, thanks for your quick reply. I’d be very happy if my humble suggestion would result in a solution. :-)

  3. 5 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    For sure :) Will keep you updated.

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