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Error Uploading Media and more…

Hi there,

I have been working with your Vantage Premium Theme and love it! I am now working on replacing 50+ websites using this theme!

I am new to WordPress and after I designed my first test Vantage Premium website I tried to copy it from the test site to where it was going to go live at its regular domain. I did something wrong and lost all the pages. My host did eventually get the files back minus some recent updates to the test website.

As I started working on the test website again replacing the missing pictures I came up against many errors.
*I can’t upload any pictures as I get an error each time.
*I can’t change the Vantage theme to test that as no themes are showing in the add new section.
*As soon as I click on a page to edit it I get logged out.
*I get logged out each time withing 20 seconds of signing in. ( I did check the settings for the domain address and they are both the same address)

I have attached screenshots of the Hosting Folders in case that helps. I realize there are some non wordpress files in the first screenshot. They are from the old WebPlus desktop software I was using but never affected the Vantage WordPress site for the last 2 weeks I have been using it.

Would it help to give you a sign in account to my WordPress to look at it?

Appreciate any help you can give.

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