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Embed Video not showing

By capcayster, 10 years ago. Last reply by SteveHale, 9 years ago.

Hi, i just bought Vantage theme yesterday or so, i got trouble when i try to showing embed video using page builder, its just showing its text / hyperlink

How to solve this ?


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  1. 10 years, 2 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    This is an issue that comes up when you use the custom home page feature of Page Builder and you don’t have any posts. Strange I know, but this is just a side effect of the WordPress oEmbed class that Page Builder uses.

    There are 3 possible solutions.

    1) Create a single blog post.
    2) Convert your custom home page into a standard page https://siteorigin.com/thread/can-convert-themes-custom-home-page-regular-page/
    3) Use a standard text widget and use the video embed code from YouTube or Vimeo.

  2. 10 years, 2 months ago capcayster

    Thanks Greg, now its worked :D

  3. 10 years, 2 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Glad to hear it!

  4. 9 years, 11 months ago SteveHale

    Hi There

    I have had a similar problem to the above and don’t really understand No 2 solution. I have a video on a post but when I used the URL link to that post, as above it just appears as a text link, no embedded video.

    So I used option 3 here:-

    However my client wants the video to open in a window like the one on this site does:-


    Do you know how I can achieve that?

    The string I have to show the video is:-

     <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/101600792?title=1&byline=1&portrait=1&autoplay=0" width="270" height="175" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe> 


    Steve B

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