Home>Support>content (via shortcode ultimate) needs update to be displayed ?

content (via shortcode ultimate) needs update to be displayed ?

WordPress 4.4. and all plugins updated to latest version. DIVI theme.

I have a number of pages (hundreds) that each pulls content from a number of other custom content types created with Pods. To do this I’ve created a user custom shortcode using shortcodes ultimate and Pods.

The problem is this: for no obvious reason whatsoever all of a sudden my pages shows something like this:

[su_display_paragraf paragraf=”boligreguleringsloven § 29 b” menu=”Boligreguleringsloven – Kapitel IV A – Huslejeregulering for mindre ejendomme”]

That is – my custon shortcode.

See http://huslex.dk/boligreguleringsloven-%C2%A7-29-b

The solution is: to edit the content, like removing and re-inserting a space and then to save (update) the page.

I can do this. In fact I am. But its boring – and a waste of time.

I’ve tried to disable the cache. No difference. I haven’t tried to disable my other plugins or to change my theme. I don’t think that’ll make a difference. How could it given the solution ?

Can you provide a solution to this problem?



– https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/shortcodes-ultimate
– https://wordpress.org/plugins/pods/

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