Home>Support>contact form failing to redirect due to Dmarc policy

contact form failing to redirect due to Dmarc policy


i’m using contact form as part of the widgets bundle and have the following problem.

I have set up an email acct with my web host under my domain and then I’ve chosen to redirect to my Gmail acct.

The contact form is being recieved by the domain email and it does redirect. But then it is returned with the following message:

SMTP error from remote server for TEXT command, host: gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com ( reason: 550-5.7.1 Unauthenticated email from yahoo.co.uk is not accepted due to do
550-5.7.1 DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of yahoo.co.uk do
550-5.7.1 if this was a legitimate mail. Please visit
550-5.7.1 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/2451690 to learn about t
550 5.7.1 DMARC initiative.

I linked the domain account to the gmail account thinking this would solve the problem. It didn’t.

From reading a bit I sense this may have to do with Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM).

Do you have a work around for this?



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