Home>Support>Big problems with the Site Origin Page Builder. Pls Help!

Big problems with the Site Origin Page Builder. Pls Help!

I have a fatal problem with your page builder plugin.
Yesterday i go through casual update routine for our customers site and after the updates site crashes totally.
Page builder was updated v2.4.23 to the v2.4.25.

In chrome i get HTTP ERROR 500 message. I dont even have the access to the WP admin panel, until i disable plugins folder with the FTP connection. When plugins folder is disabled i can refresh the site and its working again. Then i can turn all the plugins except Page builder on and its working. Site goes blank white if i turn the Page builder on.
I try WP rollback plugins to downgrade Page builder to its earlier version, but its not helping.

Site uses Sydney pro theme and its updated to 1.55 and Wp has v4.7.3.

Please help quickly…

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