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Anchor troubles, logo question and column priority in North theme

As it doesn’t seem, that my old request will at least get approved, so there might be another user coming across the thread and being able to help me, I will post it again without links, as I assume that this might be the problem with the thread not showing instantly. Maybe you should consider a special field or a shortcode to put information like this in a support thread, so you wouldn’t have to ask for the website link to be posted as private response basically every second time a question is posted here. When I decided to post the address as a link, the only think I wanted, was to make it more convenient for you guys, but somehow this just end with my message still “pending approval”. So here again my message and maybe youj or someone else might know a solution.

Hello there SiteOrigin Team and first of all thanks forall the stuff you put out there for us!

Maybe you can help me with these little problems.

1. Trouble with anchor points
1.1 include anchor in pagination

As you can see here (link posted in private answer), I have a post loop showing the three latest posts. Above that I want to use a Hero image. It will be roughly the same size as the one displayed now from your demo. As there is an anchor at the “What’s new” headline (#new), you land there by clicking the conrrespoinding menu point.

Nope I want the pagination to go to that anchor as well, so you dont have to scroll over the hero image again and again, when going through the pages. I added

'add_fragment' => '#new'

in the pagination query and it changes the links correctly to an /page/X/#new ending, but it doesn’t work. When I click e.g. on page 2 while being on page 3 it will just move to the anchor on page 2. It weirdly works, when opening a new window/tab or when putting an adress of this kind directly in the address bar.

Nothing I found online so far helped.

1.2 Anchors from other pages don’t “hit the target” ;)
As I’m using mostly an One Page Design, but some Pages will be seperated, e.g. (link removed add /contact to link posted as private response). When I’m at the startpage and hit the anchors via menu points it scrolls exactly where it is supposed to, to the referencing headline. But when I come from another page (e.g. hitting “TOPICS” while being at “CONTACT”) it scrolls to the right part of the page, but around 100-150px too low. I can’t figure out this Problem as well.

2. Determining a priorities for columns on mobile devices
When you scroll down, you’ll see a Instagram Widget and on the right a headline and an editor widget. I’d like to have the design like that on Desktop computers and tablets, but when you are checking the website via mobile phone and the responsive layout changes to one column the headline is now below the Instagram Widget, as it reads from left to right. Is there an Attribute I can give the right column to be displayed above the left column with the pictures?

3. Logo Sizes
I simply can’t find in the CSS where to change to display options (especially size) from the logo in the header. Also not the line that determines how much it will be downscaled, when scrolling down.

I know this is a lot, but I’d be super thankful if you could help me set this up.

Thanks a lot already,

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