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Ajax loading new page and CSS styles from Page Builder


We’re using SiteOrigin Page Builder on our site for Pages + Posts. We’ve one page which is displaying subpages one after another. On the first load there is a first subpage displayed, which looks OK and has styles attached from the Page Builder. When I click AJAX navigation link to display next page, the CSS styles from SiteOrigin Page builder for the new page are not present and therefor the layout is corrupted. Simply – it doesn’t append styles for the other post_id.
Is there a way to append styles for the given pages/posts even when AJAX is loading different post_id(s) or is there a way to load styles for all specified post_ids on the first load (I mean like “we’re displaying post_id=1 and the styles for post_id=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] are appended”)?

Thanks a lot for any advice.

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