Home>Support>adding “page” media content to the menu main categories

adding “page” media content to the menu main categories

Hello –

how would i add my “page” media content (visible as a list in the drop down menu) – to the page that you are taken to when clicking on that menu main category

i.e. music videos

by clicking and holding you get the drop down menu list that has all the “page” generated content in list form. great!
but when you click on it – it takes you to a “music video” page where only the “post” media lives – the same content that is designated per category on the main home page thumbnail grid container and in the marquis

as redundant as it sounds – this clickable sub page “music videos” in menu – should house all of my designated media , both “posts” and “pages”


thanks – shane

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  1. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Shane

    Under Appearance > Menus you can add a Link item instead of a page. Add a link to the category in question here. For example, this is the demo link to the category “Uncategorized” : http://demo.siteorigin.com/focus/category/uncategorized/

  2. 10 years, 2 months ago Shane M Richardson

    Hi Andrew –

    thanks for the direction and suggestion!
    unfortunately , I’m still stuck – let me try and better explain.

    i have a menu –
    on my menu i have the categories / titles : “film” “commercials” “music videos”
    when hovering over these categories with mouse , a drop down menu appears and the “page” media content shows under each respective category/title – (not the “post” – those are in the grid -on the homepage …and thats perfect!!- (for the viewer / visitor – the grid of new work on the main homepage is right there immediately- whats not showcased in the grid ….is older work – you can dig deeper in the website through categories / titles and drop down menu .

    heres my problem – why does the category / title “film” – when clicked on with mouse take you to a page that only has the “post” media content – it doesn’t include the “page” media content – how do i get the “page” media content to show up with the existing “post” media content – when clicking the “film” menu category/title – i want all my film media under that page when clicked –

    thanks! – shane

  3. 10 years, 2 months ago Shane M Richardson

    sry – to clarify further – i don’t really want to add anything to the menu (drop down) – or to the menu at all.

    under category “film” – i want to add media content with thumbnail – to the place the site takes you after clicking on the menu category/title “film” – tx – S

  4. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    The Focus home and category pages are all based on posts. If you add your videos via the Focus Video Plugin on posts, they appear as they do in the demo – above the content. So it’s posts you need to use to display your videos to best utilise the theme.

    under category “film” – i want to add media content with thumbnail – to the place the site takes you after clicking on the menu category/title “film” – tx – S

    Under Posts > Categories in WordPress make sure there is a category called Film. Then make sure all the posts that have Films have the category Films ticked. Each category has a url, for example: http://demo.siteorigin.com/focus/category/uncategorized/. Is the uncategorised url from our demo. Make sure that the Film item in your menu links to Film category page. You will then see thumbnails from your Film category.

  5. 10 years, 2 months ago Shane M Richardson

    hey andrew –


    so if I’m hearing you correctly…anything i upload as media content has to be a “post” , for it to show up on the page = when clicking “film” title in menu -… and there is no way to avoid that media content from showing up on the main page grid container as a thumbnail – i definitely want it in the first area but not on the main page grid container area.

    any workaround for that ?

    best – shane

  6. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    If you want to use categories and link to them, then yes, they all need to be added as posts.

    There is no way, without custom development, to edit the layout/filtering of the default Focus home page.

    Focus works well if you want to put out a site that looks like the demo. https://siteorigin.com/theme/vantage/ is a lot better if you need flexibility. Not sure how far you are, but it might be worth considering.

  7. 10 years, 2 months ago Shane M Richardson

    thanks! appreciate it andrew – vantage might be worth considering… but I’m 99% here with focus premium…

    the last hurdle seems to be the biggest – getting all the “film” media under the menu category page “film” without having to post them on the main page and upload them as posts-

    it would be really advantageous to be able to upload and organize whatever media content to separate categories “film” “commercials” “music videos” etc without having to commit to showing them on the main homepage grid container. – thats the biggest issue – not having posts show yup on the grid…yet showing up under the menu category page as a thumbnail.

    if you have any further suggestions , I’m all ears – it’s really the last step and I’m done!

    thanks again for everything!

    best – Shane.

  8. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    There is unfortunately no way to filter your home page grid content.

    You’d need to have a developer create a child theme for you and use query posts arguments on the home page.

    Here is a child theme you can start with, install via Appearance > Themes > Add New


    Before doing so – unzip it, edit the cat=1 line, that line says that the page will only filter posts from category ID 1. You can get the category ID by checking the URL when viewing the category under Posts > Categories.

    For further work on this it really is best a developer assists you.

    Query posts reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/query_posts

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