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Accordion Plugin Gutenberg

By palex77, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago.

I’m a begginer in wordpress and i manage a website with limited options. I can’t install new plugins but i have several SiteOrigins PLugins installed by the administrators of my organization.
i activated the accordion plugin then i go to appearance – widget and create a new accordion.
When i create the new accordion, it automatically attach to something called “Smart Slider Wiget area – #1” that was already create by the administrators i guess… i think it’s the theme wiget area?!?
I can´t manage to incorporate the new accordion in a page with gutenberg editor. I search in blocks but the accordion option or site orgins don’t appear.
I try to use shortcode but i can’t find the accordion id
I read the documentation but all the videos are using page builder but when i create a new page it’s using by default the gutenberg editor and i don’t know or i don’t have permission to change it.

This is just the example of the accordion plugin, i don’t know how to incorporate any SiteOrigin Plugin in a page.

I tried to contacte the Administrators of my website but they just said that they now too busy and they can’t help me right away..

Maybe it’s something simple for you guys and i appreciate your help.

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  1. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi palex

    If you’d like me to explain using the Classic Editor, let me know, it sounds like you’d need to check if that’s something the site wants to do first.

    In the Block Editor, you can insert a SiteOrigin Layout Block which is an instance of Page Builder or you can insert a SiteOrigin Widget Block which allows you to insert a single widget into the Block Editor.

  2. 4 years, 5 months ago palex77

    Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for you reply.
    In the block Editor i don’t have an option to insert a SiteOrigin Layout Block or a SiteOrigin Widget Block.
    In the widget option i just have the following options:


    i dont’ know how to use shortcode because i can’t find the ID in my accordion.
    i took some printscreen in the following link: https://we.tl/t-0g5ewUgwMg
    In the classic editor, in printscreen #1, i don’t know how to insert a widget. i only have an option for galleries, smart slider and multimedia files.
    i have the widget accordion created but i don’t know how to insert it on a new page.
    Maybe i need to to do some configuration but i have limited access to my website as i said before.
    Thanks in advance.
    Paulo Gonçalves

  3. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Paulo

    If you browse to Plugins, is Page Builder by SiteOrigin and the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle installed?

    Print screen 1 looks like the Block Editor, just for reference.

    SiteOrigin doesn’t author an Accordion plugin, the SiteOrigin Accordion widget is included in the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. If the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin is activated, you should be able to insert the SiteOrigin Widget Block into the Block Editor. If Page Builder by SiteOrigin is installed you should be able to insert a SiteOrigin Layout Block into the Block Editor or use the SiteOrigin tab in the Classic Editor.

    Your Accordion widget appears to be labeled SiteOrigin Accordion: 2020. I’m not sure where the 2020 is being printed from, by default our widget doesn’t have 2020 in the label.

    Our widgets don’t use shortcode, in the Block Editor you’d insert the Accordion widget via the SiteOrigin Layout Block or the SiteOrigin Widget Block, in the Classic Editor, via the Page Builder tab.

    Hopefully, this helps to explain our default offering. You’ll most likely need to chat with the developers of the site and go from there. I suspect “SiteOrigin Accordion: 2020” is a custom widget.

  4. 4 years, 5 months ago palex77

    I have the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle but i don’t have the Page Builder by SiteOrigin.
    The accordion plugin was disabled, i enabled it.
    The only plugin availabe on the siteOrigin Widget Bundle are:

    Accordion: An accordion to squeeze a lot of content into a small space. By SiteOrigin
    Button: A powerful yet simple button widget for your sidebars or Page Builder pages. By SiteOrigin
    Editor: A widget which allows editing of content using the TinyMCE editor. By SiteOrigin
    Google Maps: A highly customisable Google Maps widget. Help your site find its place and give it some direction. By SiteOrigin
    Image: A very simple image widget. By SiteOrigin
    Image Slider: A very simple slider widget. By SiteOrigin
    Post Carousel: Gives you a widget to display your posts as a carousel. By SiteOrigin

    Call-To-Action: A simple call-to-action widget. You can do what ever you want with a call-to-action widget. By SiteOrigin
    Contact Form: A light weight contact form builder. By SiteOrigin
    Features: Displays a block of features with icons. By SiteOrigin
    Headline: A headline to headline all headlines. By SiteOrigin
    Hero Image: A big hero image with a few settings to make it your own. By SiteOrigin
    Icon: An iconic icon. By SiteOrigin
    Image Grid: Display a grid of images. Also useful for displaying client logos. By SiteOrigin
    Layout Slider: A slider that allows you to create responsive columnized content for each slide. By SiteOrigin
    Price Table: A powerful yet simple price table widget for your sidebars or Page Builder pages. By SiteOrigin
    Simple Masonry Layout: A masonry layout for images. Images can link to your posts. By SiteOrigin
    Social Media Buttons: Customizable buttons which link to all your social media profiles. By SiteOrigin
    Taxonomy: Displays the selected taxonomy for the current post. By SiteOrigin
    Testimonials: Display some testimonials. By SiteOrigin
    Video Player: Play all your self or externally hosted videos in a customizable video player. By SiteOrigin

    2020 is the SiteOrigin Accordion label.
    I’v created a new accordion on the menu Appearance – widget and labeled it “”2020″” because i need an accordion menu with many years 2020, 2019, 2018 etc… to put some documents but it’s just the label of the accordion widget

    i took some printscreen. https://we.tl/t-B6n0pbr7TY

    maybe i need to ask them to install the page buider plugin to have access to the site origins widget blocks and insert the accordion.

    Thanks for your help

  5. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Super, thanks for explaining, I appreciate it.

    To confirm, the Widgets Bundle is a plugin, the Accordion widget is a widget.

    If the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin is activated, version 1.16.1 (https://wordpress.org/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/), you should be able to insert a SiteOrigin Widget Block into the Block Editor.

    Please, see my screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/s3ptaPT

    Does that help?

  6. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Apologies for mistaking the Accordion label for a widget name, thanks for letting me know.

    Let me know how it goes, hopefully, the screenshot I sent helps to locate the SiteOrigin Widget Block in the Block Editor.

  7. 4 years, 5 months ago palex77

    The Widgets Bundle plugin seems activated but i can’t find the Widget on the block editor.
    I’m gonna try to contact the administrators to see what’s happening.
    Thanks for your quick response and complete explanation.
    you’ve been very helpful.

    Paulo Gonçalves

  8. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Paulo, thanks for your patience and support.

    What happens when you click “Add New Block” and then search SiteOrigin? Does nothing appear?

  9. 4 years, 5 months ago palex77

    nothing. just can’t find the widget.

  10. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the screenshot. If you’re able to see the Widgets Bundle plugin version number in use, is it 1.16.1. This should be visible from the Plugins page if you have access. If not, perhaps ask which version number is in use.

  11. 4 years, 5 months ago palex77

    I don’t have access to the plugin tab. Just to the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Plugin.
    i’m gonna ask to update the plugin to the newest version.
    Thanks for you advice.

  12. 4 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Sounds good. Let us know how it goes.

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