
SiteOrigin Page Builder

By Tuto Tutolex, 7 years ago
Version 2.5.2 | Par SiteOrigin Site origin Page Builder 2.5.2 has completly desorganized all my pages and articles. What can I do now ? My web site is tutolex.fr (and sub domain: tutolexdiffusion.tutolex.fr) I must show my site to a client ! Pleae mend urgently ? Regards

Thank’s to

By Tuto Tutolex, 7 years ago
Aaron Breeden, and Greg Priday for the post I had the same issue and succeeded to fix it by desactivate Better ” WordPress Minify”. But I really don’t know: 1/ If it’s an issue to have that plugin desactivated 2/ If site origin will men that bug Regards Marc

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