
Post loop thumbnail images tiling

By PSBakh, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
Hey guys, Hope you’re all well. I’m having an issue with the posts carousel on a website I’m updating – HOME As you can see on the homepage under recent shows, some of the thumbnail images for more recent posts have tiled themselves, despite being sized the same as the images used for later posts.…

Hero Image t

By PSBakh, 8 years ago. Last reply by Richard Lacey-Evans, 7 years ago
Hello, I have a question about changing the vertical position of the text on the hero image. I’m using the widget as a homepage slider, and used the following custom CSS code: .sow-slider-base ul.sow-slider-images li.sow-slider-image .sow-slider-image-container .sow-slider-image-wrapper { margin: 150px !important; } Which worked great, but obviously this rule now applies to ALL of my…

Padding between Hero Image and Menu

By PSBakh, 8 years ago. Last reply by PSBakh, 7 years ago
Hi there, I’m trying to remove the padding on top of the homepage hero slider on a site I’m building, to no avail. I’ve already set the top padding of the widget and the row to 0, is there a code I could use instead? Link to site below: http://www.workshopsforwomen.co.uk/ Thanks!

Google maps widget showing broken image

By PSBakh, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hey guys, Hope you can help. I have a google map widget in the footer of this site – http://www.rpcvs.co.uk/ Which for some reason isn’t showing the map. Is there a limited number of times I can use the same address on the widget? I’ve been building a bunch of sites for the same company,…

Post Update Hero Image problem

By PSBakh, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
Hey guys, I’ve just updated the Siteorigin Widgets Bundle and the Page builder plugin and now for some reason my homepage hero image slider isn’t showing up as full width, and is no longer responsive to mobile devices. Please have a look on the link below: http://www.regentsparkhealthcare.com/ Thank you for your help!

Hero Image mobile responsive text

By PSBakh, 8 years ago. Last reply by PSBakh, 8 years ago
Hi guys, Quick question re: Hero Image widget. As far as I am aware, this widget is not built to be responsive to mobile screens. However, is there anything I can do to at least adjust the text size in mobile mode, so it doesn’t run off the edge of my banners? Thank you!

Page builder Full-Width stretched issue

By PSBakh, 8 years ago. Last reply by WordPress, 8 years ago
Hi there, I’ve recently discovered Page Builder – awesome plugin, super intuitive. Only issue I’m having is this: I’d like for some of my rows to have a different background colour, which stretches across the whole screen, however when I set the row to Full width Stretched, the row aligns left, and leaves a white…

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