
Menu bar wider than body of

By Taylor Tune Tracy, 9 years ago. Last reply by Magus, 9 years ago
The titles of the menu options haven't changed and I tried removing the search feature from the menu to see if that was it but it's still stretching the page on mobile. In the webview one, the dark menu bar would ideally align with the body of the page.

Theme Options / Vantage

By OD1N PEST MANAGEMENT LLC, 9 years ago. Last reply by Magus, 9 years ago
Hi Guys, I think you have a+ customer service and is one of the leading drivers causing me to purchase your theme. I have a few questions however (some we may have covered already and I want to recap) to make sure that the theme is right for my purposes. 1. Can I utilize the…

Anchor/Jump Links

By Taylor Tune Tracy, 9 years ago
Is it possible to have anchor/jump links in Vantage. I do not have the site live yet since I wanted to figure out this issue first.

Using Anchor Links in Vantage

By Taylor Tune Tracy, 9 years ago
Is it possible to have anchor/jump links in Vantage? I’m trying to set it up so that clicking on one of the circle icons placed on the page (with the page builder) will bring the user to a section further down on the same page. I feel like that would be more fluid instead of…

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