
Logo, title and site description.

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by lateliergraphic, 1 year ago
Hello, I wanted to know how I can put the title of the site and the description next to the logo, (as in the image) http://www.lateliergraphic.com/home/demo_01.jpg and is it possible to hide the points and change the arrows by my own icons? Thank you in advance for your help, best regards S.

Problem with test mansonnery

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, I have a problem with the activation of the text option in the mansonery widget: let me explain, when I activate the text, it appears either at the top or at the bottom of the thumbnail by cropping the image (top or bottom) what I wanted to do was make the text appear in…

center the burger menu only for mobile

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, My Header layout is default for computer, laptop and tablet , and my question is : can be rendered by CSS centered only when viewed on mobile ? For the look I want to give on mobile it would make it much better, do you have solution ? Thank you for you time and…

Display search in main menu

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, When i display search in main menu by the search setting is at Customize -> Theme Settings -> Navigation, I lose the burger menu icon in mobile and ipad mode, so is there another setting to use or do I need CSS to display search in main menu ? Thank you Best regard S.

header transform

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, i use North, how can we make the header “responsive” when it is full format on a large screen rather than leaving it centered. for example on this site: https://www.linakhezzar.com/mode/photographe-mode-paris the header follows the width following the enlargement. Thank you best regard S.

widget mansonery

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, i have this message with the widget mansonery : Warning: Undefined array key “enabled” in /Users/enfinunsite/Local Sites/enfinunsitecom/app/public/wp-content/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/widgets/simple-masonry/simple-masonry.php on line 295 2 16780590677.9241 436440 require( ‘/Users/enfinunsite/Local Sites/enfinunsitecom/app/public/wp-blog-header.php ) …/index.php:17 3 16780590677.9241 39504288 require_once( ‘/Users/enfinunsite/Local Sites/enfinunsitecom/app/public/wp-includes/template-loader.php ) …/wp-blog-header.php:19 4 16780590677.9241 39509056 include( ‘/Users/enfinunsite/Local Sites/enfinunsitecom/app/public/wp-content/themes/siteorigin-north/page.php ) …/template-loader.php:106 8 16780590677.9241 42284592 require( ‘/Users/enfinunsite/Local Sites/enfinunsitecom/app/public/wp-content/themes/siteorigin-north/template-parts/content-page.php ) …/template.php:772 what happening…

activate the burger menu on ipad

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
Hello, how to activate the burger menu when the site is viewed on ipad, currently it’s the standard menu but it’s a bit cluttered and it’s less elegant than the burger. Besides, is it possible to activate the burger menu in desktop mode already? Thank you Best regard S.

Mono theme

By lateliergraphic, 1 year ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 1 year ago
hello , first thx you for your free theme they are very cool for me !! I have a question to change a small parametre on my site : How can we render on mobile, a background image that is in parallax mode on the desktop version. (in mobile mode it remains at the top…

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