
Footer Size

By gis, 10 years ago. Last reply by Scott Mitchell, 7 years ago
I´m using Vantage Premium theme in my website. How can I make footer small? As you can see in my website, I do not put almost any info there. www.proyectomaya.com Thanks.

Cannot change logo image in Vantage Theme

By gis, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi: I cannot change the logo image in my website. Screen 1: I try to change the logo image in the Vantage Theme Settings and press SAVE Screen 2: Screen of death (this URL: http://www.proyectomaya.com/wp-admin/options.php) Then I refresh and it takes me to SETTINGS (same URL). Can you help me? Thanks. URL: http://www.proyectomaya.com

Directory like theme

By gis, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi: I need a theme to build a directory page (to list restaurantes, classes, to have add, subscriptions, etc.) I bought Business Finder from AIT but their support service is TERRIBLE. I change to change to Site Origin. I´m using Vantage Premium in another website of mine. I was wondering if Site Origin has a…

Vantage theme causes White Screen of Death

By gis, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Please help!!! The Vantage Theme Im using in me website is caussing White Screen of Death! I disabled all the plugins and also the theme, and the web was back on. I then tried to re.activate Vantage theme and it want blank again. Help please! URL: http://proyectomaya.com

Add paypal buttons

By gis, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi: I tried to paste paypal-generated code to add paypal buttons in my php and the site went blank (white screen of death). I recovered now, but I still wat to include paypal buttons. How can I do it without touching the php? Thanks. Maria URL: http://proyectomaya.com

Desplegable WPML menu is not working

By gis, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi: I purchased the WPML plugin and made a setting to have a drop down menu with language options to appear in the home page. I only appears a box that says spanish, that is the default language. but no drop down menu appears in the home page. Can you help me? WPML compatible with…

Featured image size problem in posts

By gis, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi: I´m runnig a site on Vantage and I need the posts to have a featured image so you can see them as carrousell in the home page. The thing is: when I open the post, the featured image appears huge in the post. Example: http://www.proyectomaya.com/nawal-kej-o-venado/?preview=true&preview_id=334&preview_nonce=749d326878&post_format=standard How can I change the featured image size? I…

Space between paragraphs

By gis, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi: I need to add space between paragraphs in a page. I´m using page builder and it seems not possible. example: http://www.proyectomaya.com/nosotros-guias-espirituales-mayas/ Can you help me? Thanks a lot.

Logo outside menu bar

By gis, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
I´m using vantage premium theme in my website. As you can see, the logo looks tiny in the menu bar. Can I take from the menu bar and place it above? My website: www.proyectomaya.com Thanks.

Cant place Social Media widget in header

By gis, 10 years ago
Hi: I´m using Vantage theme and I cant place the Social Media widget in the header. I can only place in the footer, but I dont want in there. Screenshot: http://www.proyectomaya.com/en/ Can you help me? Thanks. URL: http://www.proyectomaya.com/en/

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