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3rd Party Coding

Hi Team,
I’ve got a script to put reviews on my website, it was working before but since the update it’s now not working, I was wondering if someone can assist?

The codes are:

<!-- Put the script tag inside head or just before the close body tag. Once only! --> 

<script type="text/javascript" src="//d295i2np2xaw38.cloudfront.net/widgetv2/js/widget.js"></script> 

<!-- Put the following where you want to show the widget --> 

<a href="https://www.wordofmouth.com.au/certificate/1757165-finance-engineering-australia" rel="nofollow" class="womo-widget-anchor"><div class="womo-widget-container" data-provider-id="1757165" data-type="review-feed" data-badge-color="colour" data-stars-color="#ff6600" data-background-color="#e8e7e1" data-text-color="#000000" data-review-stars-color="#ff6600" data-review-text-color="#000000" data-width="250px" data-height="232px">Finance Engineering Australia Reviews</div></a>

Also I noticed that my website (www.financeengineering.com.au) menu is not displaying property (spanning over two rows at the moment)…any ideas?


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