Link Form Field Filters

Widgets Bundle > Form Building> Link Form Field Filters

The Link form field has two filters you can use to alter the results returned by the field.

Filter: siteorigin_widgets_search_posts_results

This allows you to filter the results post array. This will allow you to selectively remove and sort filters as desired.

add_filter( 'siteorigin_widgets_search_posts_results' function( $results ) {
    foreach ( $results as $id => $result ) {
        // Your code here.
    return $results;
} );

Filter siteorigin_widgets_search_posts_order_by

This filter allows you to alter the ORDER BY query used by the links field. Default value is post_modified DESC.

add_filter( 'siteorigin_widgets_search_posts_order_by', function( $ordered_by ) {
        return 'post_modified ASC';
} );