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Cloudflare Turnstile Addon a Privacy-Preserving Captcha Replacement

SiteOrigin Premium now includes seamless integration with Cloudflare Turnstile, a user-friendly CAPTCHA alternative that helps prevent spam while maintaining a smooth user experience. With the new Cloudflare Turnstile Addon for the SiteOrigin Contact Form Widget, you can easily enhance your form’s security without compromising usability.

Protect Your Forms with Cloudflare Turnstile

Cloudflare Turnstile is a free, privacy-preserving CAPTCHA replacement that automatically detects bots and other types of automated abuse. By adding this layer of protection to your contact forms, you can:

  • Reduce spam submissions and improve the quality of form responses.
  • Maintain a frictionless user experience with no complicated CAPTCHAs to solve.
  • Safeguard user privacy, as Cloudflare Turnstile is GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Effortless Integration with SiteOrigin Contact Form

Enabling Cloudflare Turnstile on your SiteOrigin Contact Form is a breeze:

  1. Navigate to your SiteOrigin Contact Form Widget, edit the widget and open the Settings section.
  2. Locate the Spam section and enable the Cloudflare Turnstile setting.
  3. Enter your Cloudflare Turnstile Site Key and Secret Key.
  4. When logged into Cloudflare, you’ll find the Turnstile menu item on the left side of the global settings page. It is not available on the site-specific settings page.
  5. Save your widget and you’re all set!

Navigate to your SiteOrigin Contact Form Widget, edit the widget and open the Spam settings section. Locate and open the Cloudflare Turnstile settings section.

On your Cloudflare.com SettingsTurnstile dashboard you’ll find three modes to choose from:

Cloudflare will use information from the visitor to decide if an interactive challenge should be used. If we do show an interaction, the user will be prompted to check a box (no images or text to decipher).

A purely non-interactive challenge. Users will see a widget with a loading bar while the browser challenge is run.

Invisible challenge that does not require interaction.

Get Started with Cloudflare Turnstile Today

Ready to take your contact form security to the next level? The Cloudflare Turnstile Addon is included with SiteOrigin Premium and is fully compatible with the latest version of the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle and WordPress.

For more information on setting up Cloudflare Turnstile and managing your API keys, please refer to our addon documentation.

Upgrade to SiteOrigin Premium today and start enjoying the benefits of Cloudflare Turnstile integration, along with our extensive collection of powerful addons and features designed to supercharge your WordPress website.

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