Post meta box forms

Widgets Bundle > Advanced Concepts> Post meta box forms

Occasionally a widget needs to be able to store and retrieve post specific data. We have made this possible using the SiteOrigin_Meta_Box_Manager class. It is a singleton which allows a widget to specify form fields in the familiar format used by SiteOrigin widgets to have their forms rendered.

Adding fields to the Widgets Bundle post meta box

Fields are added using the append_to_form() function of the SiteOrigin_Meta_Box_Manager class. It takes the following parameters:

  • $widget_id string Base id of the widget adding the fields.
  • $fields array The fields to add.
  • $post_types string|array Optional A post type string, 'all' or an array of post types.

If more than one field is being added for a widget, it is encouraged to wrap the fields being added in a section field type to keep the form organized.

Example - adding fields

The post meta box fields would typically be added in a widget's initialize() function.

function initialize() {
    global $sow_meta_box_manager;
            'my_widget_fields_section' => array(
                'type' => 'section',
                'label' => __( 'My Widget Meta Fields', 'siteorigin-widgets' ),
                'fields' => array(
                    'some_post_meta_text' => array(
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'label' => __( 'Meta Text', 'siteorigin-widgets' )

Example - adding fields for a specific post type

When an array of post types is specified as the third argument to the append_to_form() function, the form fields will only be displayed for that post type.

function initialize() {
    global $sow_meta_box_manager;
            'my_widget_fields_section' => array(
                'type' => 'section',
                'label' => __( 'My Widget Meta Fields', 'siteorigin-widgets' ),
                'fields' => array(
                    'some_post_meta_text' => array(
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'label' => __( 'Meta Text', 'siteorigin-widgets' )
        array( 'post' )

The append_to_form() function may be called multiple times by a widget and the additional fields for a widget will be appended and rendered. Caution must be taken not to append multiple fields with the same name and post types combination, or else the last appended form field will override any previously added ones. This can be avoided by ensuring name and post type combinations are unique for a widget.

Retrieving stored post meta data

Once there is some post specific meta data stored, it may be retrieved by using the get_widget_post_meta() function of the SiteOrigin_Meta_Box_Manager class. It takes the following parameters:

  • $post_id string The id of the post for which the meta data is stored.
  • $widget_id string The base id of the widget for which the meta data is stored.
  • $meta_key string The key of the meta data value which is to be retrieved.

Example - retrieving stored post meta data

global $sow_meta_box_manager;
$my_widget_post_meta = $sow_meta_box_manager->get_widget_post_meta(

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