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Unwind: Expanded Video Post Format Support

SiteOrigin Unwind is a modern theme for creators. Unwind version 1.9.0 offers expanded support for the Video post type. The Video post type searches for a video at the beginning of the post. If a video is found, the post featured image is replaced by the video on both the archive and single post pages. The featured image is still available for use elsewhere such as in a post carousel or on the search results page.

Video Post Type Support

The following video instances are supported:

Classic Editor

  • First oEmbed video link (e.g. YouTube).
  • Page Builder: The first row will be checked for a SiteOrigin Video Player widget if Page Builder is activated.

Block Editor

  • First oEmbed video link (ie. YouTube).
  • If the first block on the page is a SiteOrigin Layout Block, the first row will be checked for a SiteOrigin Video Player widget.

Prior to the 1.9.0 update the Video post type only support the first oEmbed video link (e.g. YouTube) in the Classic Editor.


For a demo of the Video post type in action, please, see https://demo.siteorigin.com/unwind/. Scroll down to the Video Post heading. The single post page can be viewed here.

Useful Links

Unwind Post Format Documentation.
Interested in the programming and testing that went into this update? View the pull request on Github.

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