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Whole-page background

By David Stuligross, 9 years ago. Last reply by Daniel, 9 years ago.

I would like each page (not row or box) to have a gentle background color (like ivory). How do I do this?

This question has been asked and answered a few times here: it has to do with inserting some HTML code, somewhere.

That’s fine, but I would be grateful if someone would explain exactly where, and how to insert. (this will be my first time touching html–unless someone points to a non-html solution).


URL: http://www.clarityeditor.com/

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  1. 9 years, 6 months ago Ben Short

    Hi David,

    I don’t work here but noticed your post and thought I could help out! If you use the “Customise” feature in WordPress (can be found under “Appearance”), you should get a new menu up on the left hand side of your site.
    If you then go to “Page”, you can set the background colours for the Masthead and the Page.

    Hope that helps.


  2. 9 years, 6 months ago David Stuligross

    Thanks, Ben! But, when I go to Appearances — > Customise — > …. I don’t see edit possiblities for Page. I put a screenshot of my edit menu into my website. What am I doing wrong?? :)


  3. 9 years, 6 months ago Ben Short

    Ah sorry David, I think those customise options are only available in the Vantage Premium theme. In this case, you’ll need to insert some custom CSS. You can do this under Appearance -> Custom CSS. You’ll also need to choose your colour – you can do that here: .

    Insert this code into the custom CSS box:

    #main {
    background: #(hex colour here) !important;

    Then pick your colour on the site above, copy the code after the # at the top of the page, and replace the (hex colour here), including the brackets, with that code,.

    Hopefully that all makes sense – and hope that works.

  4. 9 years, 6 months ago Ben Short

    Sorry – here’s the site for picking your colour:

    • 9 years, 6 months ago David Stuligross

      Thanks for your help, Ben. I have not succeeded (yet), but since I started designing websites (that is, this one website) a week ago, stumbles are expected. I’ll fiddle around and eventually find ‘it’ :) Cheers!

  5. 9 years, 6 months ago Daniel
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi David,

    First of all I apologize for the delayed response.

    Am glad that you had this sorted out. If you have any other issue that you may need support for always feel free to open a thread and we will jump to it

    @Ben thanks, much appreciated :-)

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