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Vantage rotator height locked

I have been trying to get the slider on the homepage to only be 175px tall as 420px is a little large for my needs. I want to pull the headline and call to actions near the bottom of the fold and a 400px tall slider just does not do this.

I have gone into meta-slider and set the width to 1080 and height to 175 but the overlay images are still scaling to 420px and overflowing behind my headline. only solution is to set the slider to 400px and not be happy. any advice on how to modify this. I realize I could create a new home page with page builder, but that gets messy as there is a menu option for homepage, and then a page style for home etc. also, I have not seen an ability to build a new page builder page with a 100% width to page, only to content width.

demo is: adeptca.isademo.com

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