Home>Support>SiteOrigin Slider from SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle conflict with Jetpack / slider images not fully displayed

SiteOrigin Slider from SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle conflict with Jetpack / slider images not fully displayed

I am using SiteOrigin Slider from SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle together with the SiteOrigin Pagebuilder. I am using the Twenty Thirteen theme.

I have had an issue where only a small section of the pictures show in the slider that is on the homepage. On another page ‘About Us’ the slider works fine throughout. I am using foreground and background images.

When I deactivate Jetpack the slider works perfectly on the homepage and ‘About Us’ page. When I activate the jectpack plugin but don’t connect to wordpress.com everything works fine. As soon as I authorise and connect to wordpress.com the slider shrinks again, but only on the homepage.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

URL: http://springfieldlakes.fosforos.co.uk/

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