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SiteOrigin Hero images, not responsive…

Hello there !

I love your widgets, I find them very easy to use for a beginner and very helpful so thanks a lot for that !!!
I happen to have a problem with the SiteOrigin Hero images since they just disappear when I look at my website on a tablet device or on a mobile phone.
This doesn’t happen to all the images of my website. (the page “Alignement” for example has a responsive image)
1/ I’ve tried to change the size of the images to see if this was the problem but it doesn’t seem to solve it
2/ I’ve checked some threads and have checked that the layout is fully stretched and it is the case but still not solving anything.

I don’t know if I’m very clear ;) The only think I know is that I only have the background color on a mobile and on a tablet device. The picture of the woman on the home page is also somehow disappearing in the process.


>> Images from those 2 pages are disappearing

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated !!!

Thanks in advance,


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