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Price Box (PB) Widget

Okay, so I’ve added a Price Box widget to my homepage at AFWillowBay.com. However, looking at it, I’d like to increase the size of the title of the widget to emphasize it and decrease the spacing between the lines of the list, so that the widget doesn’t end up so long.

Anyway, I tried to figure out some CSS in order to make these changes, and I can’t figure out how to do it. I tried:

p.small {
line-height: 90%;

and that didn’t work; if I understand CSS well enough, I think it didn’t work because that would format a normal sentence, not a list. So then I tried:

ul li {

and that didn’t work either.

If you go to my website and look at the widget called “Stay 6 Days, Get the 7th Day FREE!” you’ll see that there is a lot of space between each line of the unordered list. That’s what I’m trying to cut down on. I’m putting the CSS into the Widget Styles > Attributes > CSS Styles.

Thanks in advance!


URL: http://afwillowbay.com

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  1. 9 years, 7 months ago Daniel
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Havilah,

    To do that please try and place the following custom CSS at the bottom of the style.css file located via Appearrance > Editor > Style.css

    .origin-widget.origin-widget-price-box.origin-widget-price-box-simple-clean h2 {
             font-size : 23px!important;
    .origin-widget.origin-widget-list-simple-slate ul li {
    line-height: 22px!important;

    Try that out

    Cheers :)

  2. 9 years, 7 months ago HavaWorkman

    Hi Addo! I haven’t been helped by you before. Nice to meet you. :)

    So when I put the code into the style.css file, it worked like a charm. The problem is, I don’t want to edit that file because if updates are done to the theme, then everything is lost. The theme I am using comes with a custom.css file and when I put the code into there, it doesn’t work correctly. ??? The header doesn’t change size, instead the main body of the text changes sizes. And the list doesn’t have less room between each line, instead the introductory portion between the header and the list does.

    What can I do to fix that?

    Other than the code having to go into the wrong place, it worked like a charm. :) While I have your attention, would you be willing to look at other threads I’ve submitted that haven’t received any responses yet?

    Thread: Featured Page widget
    Thread: Call to Action widget
    Thread: Animated Image (PB) widget

    Side question: I’ve been meaning to ask how to donate money to SiteOrigin. You guys provide PageBuilder for free and I’d like to give a donation as a thank you.

    Many thanks for your time,


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