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Panel Row Classes

I’m looking to add a class or ID to the panel-grid element.

This is what the current default layout outputs:

<div class="panel-grid">
	<div class="panel-row-style">

I have been able to add a custom class to the panel-row-style element using the siteorigin_panels_row_style_attributes hook which is great. However the current theme I’m working with is a mess and I’m stuck using it, so I need to add a class to the panel-grid to for some theme depended classes.

I did find siteorigin_panels_row_classes hook but I’m not having any luck finding the docs for this hook but it appears thats the hook I need to use to accomplish what I need. Is there any write on this?

I’d love to create a function like this:

function custom_row_style_fields($fields) {
  $fields['inner'] = array(
      'name'        => __('Inner Container', 'siteorigin-panels'),
      'type'        => 'checkbox',
      'group'       => 'layout',
      'description' => __('Add inner class to container', 'siteorigin-panels'),
      'priority'    => 4,

  return $fields;

add_filter( 'siteorigin_panels_row_style_fields', 'custom_row_style_fields' );

function custom_row_style_attributes( $attributes, $args ) {
    if( !empty( $args['inner'] ) ) {
        array_push($attributes['class'], 'inner');

    return $attributes;

However I have had little luck getting it to work. Any help would be great!

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