Home>Support>Page’s with content in Page Builder hides Editor from page completely after Updating P.B. Plugin

Page’s with content in Page Builder hides Editor from page completely after Updating P.B. Plugin

My client updated the page builder plugin. Any page that doesn’t have content inputed into the page builder editor doesn’t have a problem, the editor appears as normal. On all pages where columns and copy were added to page builder after a second when the edit page is finished loading the entire edit section hides from view. When you click screen options and toggle the page builder checkbox it will come back and work fine, but when you refresh the page (regardless of the page builder checkbox being checked in screen options) the edit window hides.

A page with page builder content used to auto switch to the page builder tab in the edit window. I think instead it is hiding when it does that instead of switching.

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  1. 9 years, 11 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Allison

    This unfortunately sounds like a plugin conflict. Known conflicts are Comprehensive Google Maps plugin and CK Editor. To make sure, temporarily de-activate all non-SiteOrigin plugins, then re-test. If the issue is resolved you can then re-activate your plugins one by one, each time checking the problem, that’ll let you know where the conflict lies.

  2. 9 years, 10 months ago Martin Häfliger

    I had same problem, in my case the plugin “Advanced Custom Fields” caused the problems. After I turned it off, it was fine.

    • 9 years, 10 months ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Martin

      Thanks for your feedback. Could you perhaps send through a list of plugins that you’re running. We’ll try re-create the situation on our side.

      Can you also confirm that everything is up to date on your side, check that there are no updates pending at Dashboard > Updates.

  3. 9 years, 10 months ago Martin

    Hi Chris
    They are a lot :-)
    If you like to have access to the admin, send me your email adress.


  4. 9 years, 10 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks Martin. From existing reports it seems it could be a three way conflict between ACF, Page Builder and Black Studio TinyMCE. The dev team is super busy at the moment with the Page Builder 2.0 launch coming this year. We’re going to push that. Then re-check this and see where we stand. There is a good chance it will be resolved. Sorry I don’t have hotfix for right now.

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