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PageBuilder Responsiveness Help

My wordpress theme (Tesseract) and the PageBuilder plugin I have installed conflict with one another forcing me to do my own CSS coding. After toying around with CSS and the inspect element tool on chrome, I fixed the responsiveness (not really fixed, more like hacked I guess..) of my website thevandreasproject.com. I used this code to make it work on the iPhone 5 screen:

 @media (min-width: 680px) {

	    .home-background .textwidget {

		    font-size: 50px;

		    font-style: normal;

                    font-weight: 500;

                   letter-spacing: 8px;

                   font-family: 'Roboto';

                   min-height: 880px;

                   padding-top: 20px;



    @media (max-width: 679px) {

        .home-background .textwidget {

		    padding-top: 20px;

		    padding-bottom: 175px;

		    font-style: normal;

                    font-weight: 500;

                    font-family: 'Roboto';


    .site-content {

        height: 0!important;


    #footer-banner {




I was wondering if there was another way to rescale the text and images using CSS Editor to make my website responsive. I don’t want to use media-queries for every device there is to rescale properly. I appreciate it!

URL: http://thevandreasproject.com

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