Home>Support>Pagebuilder nested Layouts not having the right width?!

Pagebuilder nested Layouts not having the right width?!

Hey guys I just started to use the pagebuilder for a site where I need nested colums.

like this:


Inside the “60%” column I put another Layout with the following widths:


But somehow those columns from the 2nd level are not displayed in the correct width.

I did inspect the CSS and there are no width’s defined at all in the 2nd level.

So as a workaround I added the widths by hand with custom css plugin. Unfortunately when I change things around, the IDs of the columns get messed up and the CSS is not working anymore.

What can I do to have the 2nd (and further) level layouts also take the width’s I set up with the layout builder in account?

URL: http://www.fronhoffs-consulting.com/

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