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Page Builder Problem


I’m new to wordpress and setting up apache servers.
I set one up locally on my laptop following the guide on ubuntu:
I had to change /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php define(‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, …. to the correct path.

Then installed Vantage and PageBuilder. Page builder is not working at all see image

View post on imgur.com

When i look at the picture that doesnt display url it is:


So why does Page Builder think /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ is root?

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  1. 10 years, 1 month ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Craig

    From the looks of things, the CSS and JS isn’t being loaded properly on that page. Page Builder uses the standard plugin_dir_url function to get the URLs of the CSS and JS. This function, in turn, relies on the plugins_url function.


    I can’t offer you an exact solution in your situation, but you’ll need to make sure that any changes you make are compatible with these 2 functions.

  2. 10 years, 1 month ago Craig Swift

    Thanks for you reply.
    I have spent quite abit of time trying to find out the corse of this issue. I have gone through a complete install of ubuntu, LAMP and wordpress just to check I had not made an mistakes during the install.

    I have been able to narrow this down to being a problem with this plugin specifically. I have now gone and installed several plugins to check that its not an issue with the wordpress install. I do belive the problem is with how url to the css/js is generated using plugin_dir_url and plugin_dir_path.

    Furthermore, the ony reason I can think that it donsnt work on my dev machine, but works for other peoples websites is because wordpress url is at localhost/wordpress – its clutching at straws but i have no idea what i need to change in your code to make fix the url look up.

    I could really do with somemore guidance on were to look to debug this issue or I will have to abandone plans to use vantage premium for my website.

    Warm Regards


  3. 10 years, 1 month ago Craig Swift

    I bit more digging and the issue is that it is adding the full directory path location of the css / images / js to the website url so it giving out:


    Instead of

  4. 10 years, 1 month ago Craig Swift

    I think i’ve found the real issue, not the soloution yet:

    My wordpress install is: /usr/share/wordpress
    My website access wordpress via: /var/www/html/SYMBOLIC_LINK_TO_ABOVE

    Apparently __FILE__ resolves to the real path, which confuses plugin_basename()

    I’m looking into how to fix this for more info:


  5. 10 years, 1 month ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Craig.

    Please keep us updated on this and let us know if you find a solution. I have seen this issue come up in the past and it’d be great to be able to point people in the right direction for a solution.

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