Home>Support>Page Builder does not recognize Tiny Mce or So Widgets bundle

Page Builder does not recognize Tiny Mce or So Widgets bundle

I have the latest version of wordpress, have deactivated all plugins except Page Builder, SO Widgets Bundle and Black Studios TMC editor.

Yet the page builder still will not work for me, I get the following errors when attempting to use SO Widget or Tiny MCE editor:
“You need to install SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle to use the widget SiteOrigin_Widget_Slider_Widget. It’s a free plugin available off the official WordPress plugin directory.”

“You need to install Black Studio TinyMCE to use the widget WP_Widget_Black_Studio_TinyMCE. It’s a free plugin available off the official WordPress plugin directory.”

Yet they are both already installed.

Also the following error exists (not sure if related, I have debug turned on):
Undefined index: title in /wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/siteorigin-panels.php on line 382

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